Protea Hill Farm
Producers of Award–winning Balsamic Vinegar

Protea Hill Farm is situated on a hill in the heart of the Stellenbosch Winelands in South Africa. The farm produces fresh fruit for the production of a variety of hand-crafted Balsamic Vinegars.
All fruits and herbs are farmed naturally, no insecticides or pesticides are used on the plants or fruit. They are sun-ripened and harvested in a 100% ripe condition, ensuring that the fruit sugar content is high, giving a sweet taste. Furthermore, no colourants, preservatives, flavour enhancers, molasses, caramelized sugars or any chemical substances are added to the Balsamic Vinegars. The flavour intensity of the Balsamic Vinegars is enhanced with maturation. For this reason, all Protea Hill Farm Balsamic Vinegars are aged for at least three years and are only released once they have reached their full potential in taste and aroma.
In 2006, the ‘five year old’ Balsamic Raspberry Vinegar won the award of ‘Best New Product of South Africa’ from the EAT IN Guide and RMB Bank. In the following year, Protea Hill Farm was awarded the ‘South African Produce Award’ for their unique range of Balsamic Herb Vinegars.
To view our wide range of 26 Natural Balsamic Vinegar Flavours and to find out more, please visit our Product Page. If you have any further enquiries or would like to place an order, please feel free to contact us. All contact information is available on our Contact Page.

‘Aside from salt and pepper, acidity is the most important element in the seasoning of food; it should enhance and balance the dish. Vinegars, lemon or limes are most often used, but even wine or the natural acidity of tomatoes are very good choices to elevate a dish, making it light and easily digestible.’
‘The Protea Hill range of Balsamic vinegars is an outstanding aid in adjusting acidity. The variety of flavours and aromas can lead a dish in a different direction. We use these vinegars in almost all of our dishes, usually adding them right at the end, just before serving. The great many compliments we receive for the lightness of our food attest to the quality of this product.’
- Harald Bresselschmidt
- Chef Patron
- Aubergine Restaurant
- ‘You cannot imagine how well they have captured the intense, fresh flavors of these herb vinegars. Trust us, these are going to knock your socks off.’
- – Main Ingredient Deli, Cape Town
- ‘The raspberry flavor is fantastic, I could easily get addicted.’
- – Dorah Sithole, Chef and Food Editor
- ‘We are very happy to have both you and your fantastic products at the market. The feedback from our regulars and new shoppers alike has been extremely positive. It is wonderful to enjoy something that is not only locally and ethically produced but also completely delicious!’
- – Gail Coetzee, Porter Estate Produce Market
- ‘Gourmet raspberry balsamic and granadilla syrups from Knorhoek –, a secret ingredient used by the Cape's top chefs to enhance all manner of dishes.’
- – Food & Wine Cape Times, Eating Ethically by Graham Howe
- ‘I think your product is superb – I introduced the office staff to your product and had another Balsamic Vinegar tasting! They loved it !!!’
- – RED Magazine, South African's first ECO magazine, Georgina Scheepers
- ‘You have a unique and superb product! The products will do extremely well in Australia. I believe that there is a big market for them here!!’
- – Europa Epicure, Sydney Australia
- ‘Ihre Produkte sind wirklich alle sehr interessant und wir sind von Ihren balsamischen Essigen insbesondere sehr angetan. Wir haben schon allen davon vorgeschwärmt und konnen es kaum erwarten sie unserer Kundschaft vorzustellen!’
- – Kloos German Importer, Oppenheim
- ‘I just want to say once more that you have a winner with your products. I am proud to sell it and the vinegars really sell themselves. It is so wonderful to see people coming back once they bought a bottle to get more and more variety.’
- – Madelein Meier, Pretoria
- ‘The samples to Seychelles has been given thumbs up as all tastings have been very successful with your excellent products.’
- – Magnus Magnberg, Managing Director, Food Consultancy
- ‘You so deserve to get another award even two! Your products are simply magic – we are very proud to “show them off” to our clients’
- – Gourmet & Chef S. Zepperitz, Cape Town
- ‘I have to say I had your Raspberry vinegar over the weekend on my salad and it was terrific... I licked the plate’
- – C.J Joyner, Houston, Texas USA
- ‘I am loving your Jasmine vinegar,!’
- – Pia Taylor, Mother City Living, Living 'green' in Cape Town
- ‘My grandchildren, who are 5 and 7 years old, are totally addicted to the balsamic aniseed vinegar on their spinach salad !!’
- – Pat Rademacher, SLOW FOOD
- ‘Eure Essige sind bei meinen Kunden super angekommen. Ich muss schon nachbestellen. Sehr beliebt ist Raspberry Merlot ,Tomate,Orange und Lemon Verbena. Letzterer ist super fuer die Spargelzeit. In meiner neuen Bestellung will ich nun auch noch Rosmarin und Minze dazuordern.’
- – Sabine Menzen, Italian Wine depot, Meerbusch Germany